Chord C-Screen hátalarakapall (par)

24.900 kr.42.900 kr.

Til á lager í öllum lengdum.

A shielded speaker cable aimed at both audio and home cinema systems.  It joins the award-winning line up of Chord Company shielded speaker cables, including the acclaimed Clearway and the high-performance Signature Reference.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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C-screen is a shielded speaker cable aimed at both audio and home cinema systems.  It joins the award-winning line up of Chord Company shielded speaker cables, including the acclaimed Clearway and the high-performance Signature speaker cable.

Our design objective was to produce a cable discreet enough for easy fitting and routing, with all the performance benefits that shielding can bring.  C-screen is just 9mm in diameter and flexible enough to route around corners with ease. It’s finished with a white outer jacket which protects the shielding and makes it virtually invisible against white skirting boards.

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1,5 metrar, 2,5 metrar, 3,5 metrar, 5 metrar, 8 metrar

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