Chord Clearway USB kapall

29.900 kr.44.900 kr.

The perfect ‘next step’ on the upgrade path for a streaming audio system. Chord Company Clearway USB benefits from significant shielding improvements, helping you enjoy your system at its musically coherent best.

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The perfect ‘next step’ on the upgrade path for a streaming audio system. Chord Company Clearway USB builds on the success of our established C-USB cable and benefits from significant shielding improvements, helping you enjoy your system at its musically coherent best.

The enhanced shield design employs double foil and high-density braid giving extra protection for the signal transfer and reducing the transmission of noise between the connected components. Like the other cables in the Clearway range it has a notably transparent sound and carries digital signals with a high degree of accuracy.

  • Better plug shielding via zinc alloy sleeved connectors
  • Gold connector pins
  • High-bandwidth silver-plated oxygen-free conductors
  • Double layer foil shielding
  • High-density braid
  • Non-compression strain relief system

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